Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing short of a full reform - part 1

If anything, as echoed by many recently, the Malaysian government should practice what it preach and lead by example which unfortunately is not the case. Telling people to change their spending habits and expectations in view of the rising impact of the global inflation is of no use if the leaders don't do what they say. Eventually people will change their lifestyle and spending patterns because it is just natural to do so - simple economics, even without government persuasion.

Arthur Shelly, an organizational behavior expert from RMIT University said in the context of a corporation that unless the management believe and practice what they preach the overall organizational culture and practice will not change very much what the management actually desire. Likewise, the same could be said for a country.

Dues of praises should be given to the Penang State government for leading by example which even in the event of an economic downturn, at the very least the people have confidence in the government in riding out of the downturn together. They will know the government is there and doing something to protect them which is what a government should do - love and protect its people. The contrast becomes more prominent when compared to the federal government.

Yearnings for improvements on the current state of political and economic affairs in Malaysia will literally be a no-show unless there is a full comprehensive reform in all spheres. It is time for the country to embark on the real journey of development.

-Watch this space-

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