Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just a tick, just do it

It is a shame that overseas Malaysians are not allowed to vote through post except for students, diplomats and their families. From casual observation there is a substantial number of Malaysian expats who can and will vote if given the right to do so. Sadly, the law forbids such votes denying their basic right to vote guaranteed by constitution.

If given the chance, I would exercise my right. Just place a tick on your preferred candidate on the ballot paper, fold it and then stuff it into the ballot box. You are done and you have voted. Your vote will then be counted once the polls are closed.

Every vote counts and it is a fact that a candidate can win or lose by just one vote. But many Malaysians are famous for their lackluster attitude towards politics who are more commonly known as the 'silent majority'. But I would say they are a 'silent and scared majority'. Yet they like to complain alot but do nothing when the election comes.

Their abstaining reason is completely dumbfounded if not nonsensical if you have heard their endless complaints of the government and authorities being corrupt, inefficient, failed to deliver promises and endless other faults. They complain so much but they don't believe they can do anything about it by voting. If votes can't, will complaining do the work? They don't think they can change the situation when actually they can!

Former PM Tun Dr. Mahathir said you deserve the government you voted in, and to it I would like to add you also deserve a government from abstaining your vote. To those of you who thinks a tick is so hard, please don't complain in the future and take it like a man for what you have 'not' done.

The time has come for you to make a change. Just a tick, just do it.

Talk is cheap if not free.

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