Monday, January 5, 2009

The problem of time

I didn't make any concrete resolutions for this year because most of the time I forget about them so naturally. So I just let it be and see how it goes for this year but gave myself a general parameter on what I should improve.

Mostly to do with time management and prioritising tasks as there are more than enough jobs on my plate that I could possibly chew. Apart from doing taxation and auditing work I am also loaded with projects on IT business strategies, corporate strategic foresight and business advisory all of which requires considerable amount of brainwork - lateral thinking, analysis, critical reflection and the sorts.

The only problem is time. A partner popped into my workstation this morning with a stack of technology magazines and want me to digest the highlights and information and then possibly develop new or improve current IT business strategies for the firm and clients. On top of that is a backlog of books on loan to me by the same partner who wants me to pick up on strategic foresight.

The only problem is time. The projects excite me because the work process is dynamic with a lot of thinking and analyses involved but I've yet to produce solid results of revenue-generating ideas as I didn't put much priority into them. Ideas are in my head but it takes time to put into black and white formally. Meetings are coming up soon in which I've to present my ideas to the partners and clients. Racing against time to produce quality work and ideas.

The only problem is time...and also put on more thinking caps....

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