Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Of Chocolate and Taxation

I was asked by a friend on how would I answer to the following question in a job application for the position of a Junior Tax Officer in a chocolate multinational.

Question: What has motivated you to apply for this position at [Choco]?

Answer: A confluence of my passion in taxation and a love for cholocates place me in a very unique position stimulating an intense motivation in me to apply for this position in which I believe I sit very well in contributing more than my knowledge and skills but an alignment of the company's nature and mine so close that it is not a choice for me to give this position a passing.

ATO should take note of this applicant as he or she has the potential to be the in-house expert in the taxation affairs of chocolate businesses.

Imagine in your CV: An expert in taxation of various types chocolates - white, caramel, dairy, nuts, fusion.....

My professional experience includes:

  • Assessing the quality of raw cocoa eligible to be classified as trading stock.
  • Reviewing the impairment of qualifying cocoa stock eligible for deductions.
  • Analysis of cocoa CGUs to be classified as primary production activities.
Cool eh...

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