Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tibet: The western bait

It has been over a week since the Tibet unrest unfolded. It began on my birthday, March 14th. What a nice surprise by the anti-Chinese Tibetans. Affairs in East Asia, especially Greater China are always close to my heart and the recent incidents in Tibet concerns me nonetheless.

As usual China is demonized by the western media regardless even though that the Chinese security were extremely restrained in handling the Tibetan protesters and mobs, so much so that they killed any non-Tibetans in their way, burned and looted shops owned by non-Tibetans. They even burned down a mosque in Lhasa.

Despite the videos posted on youtube showing the mobs beating and killing civilians, looting and burning shops, the western press purposely left it out and instead edited pictures to leave out the violence commited by the protesters. As if the viewers are stupid, western news channel beamed photos of Nepali security forces as 'Chinese' arresting Tibetan protesters. It was sickening

No longer are the western press free and fair but an absolute propaganda of an international movement to bring down China no matter what. Chinese people are always bad, according to the western press.

There are more than enough articles and commentaries arguing who is right or wrong and therefore I shall not delve further into this subject. All of you can access medias from around the world and you form your judgment on the issue, but also please give some time to the stuff reported by 'citizen journalist'/bloggers who published photos and posted videos of the violence committed by the Tibetan protesters. After that, you would feel that the unrests were an attempt at ethnic cleansing and not just a mere protests. The victims were innocent Chinese not Tibetans as the western press claimed.

For the true face of the western media see here:

To the Free Tibet protesters around the world, I say 'Fuck you very much'.

To the overseas Chinese around the world who helped in exposing the lies and farcical face of the western media, I say 'Well done and continue the good work'.

If the protesters have the conscience and follow the 'true teachings' of your religion, stop what you are doing and reconcile. I want to bring to you the song by Alan Dawazhouma, a Tibetan from China who made it big in Japan by singing the hit title: Ashita e no Sanka (Song of Tomorrow)

The song combines elements of Jpop, Chinese opera, meaningful lyrics and sang by a Tibetan. And this how it should be, all for one and one for all. We are of the same people of our motherland.

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