Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A rollover or a restart?

In less than a month we will leave 2008 behind forever and start a brand new year of 2009. Traditionally for many people a new year means a new start, a restart, reborn or reboot or whatever is your term for starting a new. It is just convenient to have this mark of time to start everything a new with a new period.

In doing so we often see new year's resolutions being drawn up as a guide but yet many fail to follow what they have set and before mid-year hits - what resolutions? Old habits die hard and at the end of the day we are still very much the same person ex-material sense. So in the end it wasn't much of a restart but a rollover with some minor tweakings.

In less than a month will be in 2009 but I bet the world wouldn't be greeting it with much enthusiam and optimism as economic experts have pronouced 2009 will bear the real brunts of the global financial fallout. Life is full of challenges and 2009 will just be another passage of time with a higher level of challenges that we have to overcome.

It can't be denied that the economic challenges were created by excessive capitalism on-the-run and now we are tasting the bitter medicine of which time is the best antidote to resolve the problems. But how long we need to go through the pain will largely depend on our resolve to defeat the problems together.

In short we can avoid the extension of a recession if we can just make one simple new year resolution in 2009 - stay optimistic and each of us spend a little on our indulgence to help kickstart or continue to oil the economic gears if you and I want a better economic future.

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